On 21stNovember 2021, an Online Global Citizenship Education (GCED) Workshop for Preservice Teachers was held for 20 second year TESOL students. The aim of the workshop was to introduce the concepts of GCED to the pre-service teachers. As these second-year students will become teachers in future, it is pertinent that they realize the importance of gaining knowledge on GCED. Thus, it is hoped that this workshop will enlighten them on what are GCED concepts and how these concepts could be integrated into their lessons. The workshop used the online mode via WebEx platform which started from 0900 to 1400. Active learning and participant-centred activities were used throughout the workshop to promote deeper understanding of the concepts.
At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to :
a.Explain the concepts of GCED in general.
b.Map the GCED concepts to SDGs.
c.Produce an explainer video that discusses the elements of GCED concepts in an English song that could be used in their class.
At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to :
a.Explain the concepts of GCED in general.
b.Map the GCED concepts to SDGs.
c.Produce an explainer video that discusses the elements of GCED concepts in an English song that could be used in their class.